It seems most engineers spend more time tinkering with how their blog works than writing content for it. Sadly, I'm no exception. "Shiny new technology syndrome" gripped me yet again when I read about Zola on Hacker News, yet another static site generator.
Wait, wait, don't go. This one's written in Rust.
It strictly adheres to the idea of containing it's functionality within a single executable. It's written and maintained by an opinionated author. As every SSG seems to claim nowadays, it's fast. Unlike most of them, Zola is actually, blazingly fast.
The main benefit to me is that it's not written in javascript. As much as I love javascript and it's expansive ecosystem, I'm trying my best to reduce my dependency on it. Not every site that displays content needs to be interactive after all, and I believe there's value in seeing a site that does more than just get all greens on a Google Lighthouse test. I want to be able to write sites that can display their content instantly, and the easiest way to do that is to take a break from my old friend JS.
I don't know Rust. It's not that I don't want to know it, but moreso that I haven't gotten a good reason to learn it yet. Even though I graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering and had my later classes in low level languages and circuits, I haven't touched hardware since I left school. The market has kept me in fullstack web development since graduation. Despite that, I would love to have a reason to learn a low level language again.
Like every programmer and his dog I've made my way through at at least a few tutorials from the Rust book. Zola seemed like a nice way to eventually give myself a reason to ford past the chapter on References and Borrowing. In the meantime I hoped that not knowing how the internals of the generator worked would keep me from tinkering with it and focus on my site's content.
So, in an effort to reduce my time spent tinkering, I spent a few hours tinkering to rewrite my site with Zola. Here's what's different:
I won't describe it in much more detail than this because, frankly, it's liable to change. Looking at my Hello World post (which to my shame is only 2 posts before this one), quite a lot has changed. I'm prone to tinkering.
Unlike most of my attempts at unique design, I'm happy with this one. With luck it will encourage more blog posts in the near future.